Exotic Fruit Tasting

After many years of running the exotic fruit tasting tours at Cape Tribulation Digby and Alison have sold the farm and retired.

But now the Cape Trib Farm runs tours every day at 2PM in the peak season and a few days less outside the peak season. Here you can discover such fruits as soursops, custard apples, rambutans, mangosteens, salaks, chocolate pudding fruit, and carambolas.

Some of these fruit are starting to appear in markets – but many will never appear in the big cities, as they are too fragile to transport. They simply have to be eaten where they are grown, fresh from the tree.

North Queensland’s subtropical climate is excellent for fruit trees from all parts of the world.

Exotic tropical fruit comes in all shapes and sizes – some are hairy, others have lumps and bumps or sharp spikes. Often the most unusual fruit turns out to be the most delicious.


$30 / Once / Per Guest